Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Underwater Footage of BP Oil Spill at the Source - 20.JULY.2010


The REAL Beast From The Depths

I've been finding many vieos on YouTube all from BP's ROV cameras that show an increasing number of cracks and leaks in the sea floor of the Gulf Of Mexico in and around the site of the Deepwater Horizon well.

These cracks seem to be of varying size and all show oil and or methane coming from the oil field beneath.I'm posting two videos that show this..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama You Have Gone Insane!!

How long do you think you can keep up this charade??Until the benzene clouds rain down on the population of the Gulf?When the oil spewing from the breaches in the seabed are visible to everyone?
You stand in front of the media and proclaim everyone will be taken care of,that the Gulf Of Mexico and the affected coastline will be restored to the condition it was in before this horror.

Fellows and girls it is PAST the time to invoke the 25th Amendment to the American Constitution and have him removed as unfit to hold the office of President!!
Your failure to waive the Jones Act only serves to prove that you do not want outside sources to have access to conditions in the Gulf out of Government control.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Doesn't Anyone Ever Realize

This is for all those government and military "experts" who live under the delusion that using bio weapons for what ever reason that it can ever be controlled.Don't you fools ever pay attention to movies or books?? The story is always the same.

If it's on purpose,the thought is.The virus will self destruct itself in an designated time frame with only the planned death toll.It never works that way.Once it is released in to the open,it mutates.Siring all manner of horrific results.
If it's accidental,it turns out you never made any vaccine to stop it.Same end result.It usually goes like this.
1.Starts in a small area at first.Then people dying in the streets,mass graves etc.
2.Mutations begin.Food chain corrupted resulting in mass starvation.
3.Mass infection of human population.Result:EXTINCTION!!

If this is the result of a deliberate release of a bio weapon in the Ukraine.Rest assured,there will be a special place in hell reserved for those responsible...

Pneumonic Plague In The Ukraine??

For a while now i have been seeing strange news items about an "unknown plague" in the Ukraine.Official sources only say that it is an outbreak of H1N1.

Until i stumbled across this blog.http://ukraineplague.blogspot.com/.Sorry i can't post a proper link,don't do this that often.Information on this blog seems to indicate that it is either a mutated strain of H1N1 or the Pneumonic Plague.There have been NO reports on main stream media about this at all.Would it not make some sense that if such a thing happened that there would be a public announcement??

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time To Take It Back!!

President Obama,have you lost your balls??

You know as well as i that it's past time to revoke the charter giving The Federal Reserve the power that it has to control our countries money.What madness was it that gave privately owned institutions such power with no oversight from the government??Fed chairman Bernake and Treasury Secretary Giethner a confessed tax cheat,remember..sit in power of a financial cabal that have made veiled threats.That if audited,they would collapse the national economy.Can't wait to see what happens when H.R. 1207 and 604 come before the House and Senate.

What will you do when this comes to pass??Do what is right for the people of this country or become just another tool of the Banking Elite..